a heart shape

a heart shape

Tuesday 12 July 2011

I am wondering

Hi I am from South Africa, and within Australia, and sometimes I go walkabout between countries, in a book or a movie, or a mountain or with the stamps in my passports, or I put my photographs upside down or I find myself in a new place which causes me to wonder where am I and what will I learn, going from the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa which was sometimes a hollow building with space for many, but found the laughter within the stroke-patient unit, where everyone who was black was laughing and everyone who was white was wondering why and frowning, and then I came to Australia, but first the church in Holland was very strict and they said the words in funny ways which tickled, and I always wanted to go back to that laughing and the organ on Saturday afternoons. and the community church of Belgium - what a togetherness......And then Maughan church with the big heart, and then Hall Uniting Church near Canberra, with the lovely youth who were so welcoming,   and then the church in Melbourne without a minister - a lonely place, and then Maughan again - with a deeper heart and many coloured faces - and one day i made a sculpture of clay of Mary praying and put red blossoms all around it and the next minute I was named  'a minister' but what do I minister?  I want to learn about church - what is the different languages we can use, and how do we interpret the messages, full of smoke sometimes, to us?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Liellie for being online with us, for the richness in your introduction and for saying yes to God and people on your journey. And for being willing to learn new skills, including using social media,

    steve taylor
